Yard Guard Program

Yard Guard

Enjoy a pest-free outdoor space with Weed Control NWA’s Yard Guard Program. This comprehensive pest control solution targets a variety of pests to keep your yard safe and enjoyable. Our Yard Guard Program includes our mosquito control applications, effectively reducing the mosquito population every 21 days throughout the season. Plus it also addresses other troublesome pests in your grass, such as fleas, ticks, and chiggers. By treating both your lawn and common mosquito areas like bushes and trees, we ensure thorough protection for your family and pets, allowing you to enjoy your yard without worry. With Weed Control NWA’s Yard Guard Program, you can relax and make the most of your outdoor living space all season long.

Nothing is going to get rid of every mosquito on your property, but we are so confident in the products and application methods we use, WE OFFER A NO BITE GUARANTEE!

You heard that right, if you get bit by a mosquito or tick between services we'll come back out and retreat your property at no additional charge.

Our Yard Guard Program includes treatments every 21 days during the mosquito season (March - September), and every 30 days after mosquito season (October - February). 

Mosquito Control:

We don't just kill mosquitoes, we disrupt their breeding cycles to reduce the population and create a barrier up to 1/2 acre around your property so you can finally enjoy being outside.

Our Flea, Tick & Chigger Control Service:

As part of the Yard Guard Program we also treat the grass areas of your property up to 1/2 acre around your home. This application kills fleas, ticks, and chiggers in the lawn. 

Our Yard Guard Service ensures that you are not bothered by mosquitoes, fleas, or ticks while enjoying your yard, and our NO BITE GUARANTEE makes sure it stays that way!


Our Yard Guard Program has two prices based on the time of year.

During the mosquito season (March - September) the price  is $79.00 per service. With each service being approximately 21 days apart and treats up to 1/2 acre around your home.

After mosquito season (October - February) the price is $59.00 per service. With each service being approximately 30 days apart and treats up to 1/2 acre around your home.

Additionally you can choose to pause your service from October to February if desired. This is not recommended for families with pets as ticks, and fleas are still active all year in Northwest Arkansas. 


No, that's not how we operate. We earn your business each and every service, that way you know we are doing our very best to provide the service you expect. 

The primary difference between our Yard Guard & Mosquito Guard Programs is the treatment of the grass. 

With our Mosquito Guard Program we treat bushes, trees and other areas that are where mosquitoes live and breed which doesn't typically occur on the grass with the exception of low lying areas that hold water. In which case that would be treated with our Mosquito Guard program. 

With our Yard Guard Program we treat all of the same areas as we do with mosquitoes but we also treat the grass to target fleas, ticks and chiggers as they tend to live there. 

A common question we get is why is the Yard Guard service less expensive in the winter months when mosquitoes are not active (October - February). The answer may surprise you, but it is because during those months we use a different insecticide to treat the areas we normally spray for mosquitoes and that insecticide is less expensive to apply and we don't have to change equipment during the service making it cost us less to perform the service and we pass those savings on to you. 

It is a common misconception that pest control is not needed in the winter months, although understandable - it's not correct. And here is why.

When it comes to mosquitoes the idea that you don't need service in the winter is correct. That is because a mosquitoes are active when the temperature is over 60 degrees, right at that 60 degree mark mosquitoes become lethargic and can't really function at all below 50 degrees when many of the mosquitoes will die off. But mosquitoes are tough and many will dormant and survive despite the colder weather. That being said they really are not a problem at that point. 

Now when it comes to fleas they also enjoy the warmer temperatures and can die once temperatures are below 46 degrees for an extended period of time, or below 30 degrees for 5 days. Their flea eggs and larvae are more sensitive to the cold and die at temperatures below 55 degrees. The important part to know about fleas is it has to be an extended amount of time, and here in Northwest Arkansas it happens but staying below freezing all day and night for 5 days straight is not that common. So we treat for fleas year round. 

If you thought mosquitoes an fleas are tough, ticks are really tough. In lab experiments they survive down to -2 to 14 degrees depending on the species of tick. And yeah, it can get that cold here in the Ozarks but we are not a lab experiment and unlike a freezer ticks can escape the freezing temperatures in wood and other outdoor elements to protect them from the cold. So when we get a really cold winter we are still only going to lose about 20% of the tick population to freezing temperatures at best. 

So as you can see, especially if you have pets that go outside (which we hope they do, or you are cleaning up a lot of messes, well unless it's a cat) then pest control for your lawn really needs to occur each month to protect your pet from fleas and ticks. After all if you were a flea or tick would you rather be snuggled up to your pet or sitting outside in the cold?

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Lawn Care & Pest Control Testimonials That Speak Volumes

Curious about what sets us apart? Read our glowing reviews from happy customers to see why we’re the best lawn care company around. Their experiences speak volumes about our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction!

Protecting Your Family & Pets

Pet & People Safe Once Dry

We ask that you and your pets remain indoors while we are treating the property and stay off the lawn until our application is dry (typically 2 hours or less). This minimizes exposure to pesticides and herbicides and prevents residues from being tracked into homes.

Lawn Care & Pest Control Services

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